No Personal Jurisdiction over Foreign Patentee in Benicar® Saga

Last week the Northern District of Illinois found it lacked personal jurisdiction over foreign patentee Daiichi Sankyo Co., Ltd. and its U.S. subsidiary, Daiichi Sankyo, Inc..  Torrent Pharma. Ltd. v. Daiichi Sankyo Co., Ltd., No. 16-C-2988 (N.D. Ill. July 25, 2016). The First Benicar® Case.  Daiichi holds the NDA for Benicar® and markets the blood […]

Biosimilar Applicants Cannot Avoid 180-Day Notice Requirement

Companies currently holding the exclusive rights to biologics should be celebrating the Federal Circuit’s decision released earlier this week.  In Amgen v. Apotex, the Court held that all biosimilar applicants must provide a 180-day notice to owners of the NDA for the referenced biologic before engaging in commercial marketing of their biosimilars.  Amgen Inc. v. […]

Submission of New Evidence After Institution of an IPR is “Perfectly Permissible”

Last week, in Genzyme v. Biomarin, the Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit held petitioners may introduce new evidence after an institution decision in IPR proceedings as long as the opposing party received notice of the new evidence and an opportunity to respond. In its final written decision, the PTAB relied on references beyond […]

Supreme Court Upholds “Broadest Reasonable” Claim Construction Standard; Confirms Decision to Institute IPRs Remains “Unappealable”

Yesterday in Cuozzo Speed Techs., LLC v Lee, the Supreme Court clarified two aspects of inter partes review procedure: (1) the Patent Trial and Appeal Board (PTAB) may continue to use the broadest reasonable claim construction standard for construing the claims of unexpired patents; and (2) the PTAB’s decision to institute (or not institute) an […]

Advice from the Bench

On May 24th 2016, a panel consisting of Federal Circuit Court of Appeals Judges Kathleen O’Malley, Jimmie Reyna, and Raymond Chen, as well as Minnesota District Court Judge Joan Erickson, offered guidance for practice before the Federal Circuit.  Some of the insight and advice the judges shared is provided below. Focus on the Issues Do […]

No Sale Required for 102(b) On-Sale Bar

In Merck & CIE v. Watson Laboratories, Inc., No. 2015-2063, 2016 U.S. App. LEXIS 8782 (Fed. Cir. May 13, 2016), the Federal Circuit reversed a District of Delaware Paragraph IV decision, and held that the patent-in-suit was invalid under the on-sale bar of pre-AIA Section 102(b).  The sole asserted claim was directed to crystalline calcium […]

Toviaz® Patent Claims Found Not Invalid

Last week Judge Gregory Sleet of the District of Delaware rejected the generic defendants obviousness challenge of Pfizer’s molecule patent for Toviaz®. The defendants based their obviousness defense on the selection of 5-HMT, a metabolite of tolterodine, as a “lead compound.”  Tolterodine was already approved to treat overactive bladder as of the critical date.  The […]